For 3 years, Freightecom has been sponsoring the skipper Violette
Dorange (Devenir Project).
We met her again just before the start of the Transat Jacques Vabre 2023.
FREIGHTECOM has just joined these 2 prestigious worldwide networks of seafreight Project Cargo leaders.
We become a Service Provider & specialist of yacht transport by cargo within these organizations.
Stabilized around 1,500 USD / 40' for nearly 15 years, the transport reference index of a container from Shanghai in China (world’s port Nb 1) to the NEMP (North European Main Ports / Rotterdam-Antwerp-Hamburg-LeHavre) recently neared the 20,000 USD mark !
Today, Henry-Philippe Montazel came to meet and support Violette Dorange before the start of the third leg of the Solitaire du Figaro. A happy moment of sharing and exchange on the boat.
Good luck Violette !
4 september 2021
#FREIGHTECOM #VioletteDorange #LaSolitaireduFigaro #DeVenir #ApprentisDAuteuil